Network Security Monitoring

Network Security Monitoring

Your data is one of your most important assets. Keep it safe with WingSwept.

Keeping the data on your servers secure protects your business, your employees and your clients. Our network engineers understand the importance of security, and work diligently to ensure that you are protected from external and internal threats by gaining familiarity with our clients’ networks and regularly reviewing their vulnerabilities.

While everyone is aware of the threats posed by viruses and malware, the most common network security threats are actually related to internal password and data access policies. Unfortunately, stopping these threats requires more than simply installing corporate antivirus software. WingSwept will monitor password policies for all of your employees to ensure that they are passwords are secure, changed regularly, and any old or unused accounts are removed.

Of course, we’ll also proactively monitor your network for external threats, including viruses, malware, and security holes, and we’ll patch software as soon as security updates become available. This will keep you protected from even the most recently exposed security vulnerabilities. And if your users have any questions about the threat posed by suspicious emails they’re received, our friendly IT helpdesk staff will be happy to answer any questions they have.

If you have any questions about our IT network monitoring services, please contact us at 919.779.0954 or submit an online request for more information.

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