Work-From-Home Fraud Risk

Work-From-Home Fraud Risk

The pandemic has created a seemingly infinite number of brand-new problems for businesses. But most cyberfraud threats facing businesses today came into existence long before COVID-19 entered our vocabularies. Employees have used insecure passwords for decades, and those passwords were stolen and used to wreak havoc on networks and bank accounts. Employees worked from home before 2020, and many organizations had ways for those employees to access internal files from outside of the office. Phishing emails, the source of more than 90% of all data breaches, were rampant in business inboxes years ago, and they never stopped coming.

Here are four types of business-focused cyber attacks that are easier than ever to execute on an unsuspecting employee – and how to make all four of them less likely to happen to your business.

Click here to read the rest of the Reducing Fraud Risk in the Work-From-Home-Era ebook