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Category Archives: IT Cybersecurity

  1. CEO Compromise: Breaking Down the Breach

    Welcome to the third edition of the “Breaking Down the Breach” series. Today, we’ll discuss a CEO who fell victim to a cyber-attack, highlighting that even the highest-ranking officials are not immune. This series underscores the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures for everyone, regardless of their position. Please take a moment to read about the…

  2. Ransomware Attempt: Breaking Down The Breach

    Welcome to the second edition of the “Breaking Down the Breach” series. Today, we’ll discussa medium-sized company that never expected to be the target of a cyber-attack. This serieshighlights how many companies only focus on cybersecurity after an incident occurs,emphasizing that no company is too small to be targeted. Please take a moment to read…

  3. Wire Fraud: Breaking Down The Breach

    This series delves into real-life cybersecurity incidents encountered by small businesses that never imagined they’d be targeted. We uncover the specific methods by which breaches occurred, what resulting consequences the business faced, and most importantly, what small to medium-sized organizations can do to better safeguard against substantial losses. Our first story is about Wire Fraud….

  4. What Is a Ghost User? 

    Ghost users, commonly referred to as “ghost accounts,” are active accounts tied to former employees on a corporate network. Despite their departure from the company, these accounts remain accessible, presenting security and operational challenges that organizations must address. Ghost users introduce a dual threat to corporate networks. Criminals exploit these accounts to obtain credentials for…

  5. Cybersecurity Trends 2023

    Over the past 2 months, we hosted client forums about the latest cybersecurity threats and how to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to safeguarding your business. The cybersecurity trends for 2023 are optimizations of past threats. Join us as we navigate this dynamic world of cybersecurity, providing insights and strategies for a…

  6. What is SIEM?

    What Is SIEM? Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a security solution that helps organizations detect, investigate, and respond to security threats. A SIEM system is a security solution that continuously monitors your network for threats. It collects logs and analyzes threat alerts from all of your systems and devices, so you can quickly…

  7. How To Stop Spam Emails: 5 Effective Strategies

    Are you tired of getting spam emails? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people receive spam emails every day. These intrusions can be more than bothersome; they can pose genuine threats. Here is how to stop spam emails. 5 Spam Countermeasures 1. Empower Your Existing Email Filter Most email providers have built-in spam filters…

  8. Ransomware: The New Normal for Businesses

    As the digital landscape evolves, so do the threats that businesses face in the form of cybercrime. The days of relying solely on preventive measures to safeguard your network and data are long gone. With the surge in ransomware attacks, business email compromise, and password exfiltration, cybercriminals have become more adept at breaching even the…

  9. Strengthening Password Security

    In today’s high-frequency cyber-attack landscape, protecting your passwords is paramount for strong cyber security. Recent concerns and data breaches have brought password managers into the spotlight. LastPass, a popular password manager, faced scrutiny due to a breach that raised questions about their security. While it is a valid concern, abandoning password managers entirely is not…

  10. Phishing: The #1 Cyberattack

    Phishing is a type of online scam where cybercriminals send fake emails, text messages, or phone calls that look like they’re from legitimate sources like banks or government agencies. Their goal is to trick you into sharing personal information such as your passwords, credit card numbers, or Social Security info. To make matters worse, it…