Jan 12, 2024 | Technology Tips
One of the more common non-technical questions we get from clients relates to methods and best practices for sending bulk emails. Most solutions require you to send emails using your organization’s email domain which adds credibility but also comes with spam...
Aug 24, 2023 | Technology Tips, IT Cybersecurity
Are you tired of getting spam emails? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people receive spam emails every day. These intrusions can be more than bothersome; they can pose genuine threats. Here is how to stop spam emails. 5 Spam Countermeasures 1....
Jun 30, 2023 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
In today’s high-frequency cyber-attack landscape, protecting your passwords is paramount for strong cyber security. Recent concerns and data breaches have brought password managers into the spotlight. LastPass, a popular password manager, faced scrutiny due to a...
Jun 18, 2023 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Imagine this scenario: a valuable member of your IT team leaves the company, taking their knowledge of the network with them. Without proper documentation, you have a black box, unsure of how to manage and maintain the network effectively. This can lead to chaos,...
Mar 8, 2023 | Managed IT Service, IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
Does your organization have backups? Many may quickly respond with an affirmative response, but they may subscribe to myths about backups. Someone may say, “Back up their critical infrastructure, check that box, and move on.” When choosing a backup...
Oct 3, 2022 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
The rise of ransomware attacks targeting small and medium businesses has made data security a top priority for IT leaders. While there are many security products available to protect and detect threats, one simple but often overlooked mitigation tactic is proper tech...
Jul 15, 2022 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
The Cost of Business Email Compromise In May of 2022, the FBI published a report stating that Business Email Compromises account for over $43 Billion in losses Internationally. In the “2022 State of Email Security Report” from Mimecast, a polling of 1400...
Dec 21, 2020 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Whether you’re moving to a new office, your contract is up or your business is growing, determining how much bandwidth you need is more stressful than it should be. Overshoot, and you could be stuck in a contract overpaying for years. Go with too little, and you...
Oct 20, 2020 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Many businesses fail to prepare for major storms because they seem like a remote possibility until they’re right in front of you. Hurricanes are the most common natural disasters in North Carolina, and if your business is in the line of one, it can have a big impact....
Aug 21, 2020 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
There are plenty of statistics out there about disaster recovery. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says 65% of businesses fail within two years of a disaster, while the Small Business Administration (SBA) says it’s 90%. That’s a wide range, but it...
Jul 28, 2020 | Technology Tips
Many businesses have spent the last several months worried about their short- and long-term survival due to the economic shutdown. After companies deal with the immediate needs of working remotely and revenue preservation, however, it’s a great time to address some...
Jun 26, 2020 | Technology Tips, IT Cybersecurity
We’ve written before about the perils of data sprawl. Even in normal times, no single person at most companies can list all of the places where sensitive company data lives. Not only does this make it far more likely that your data will find its way into the wrong...
Jun 23, 2020 | Technology Tips, IT Cybersecurity
It would be an understatement to say the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model has become the dominant one in the software industry. This model (where you pay monthly or yearly for software instead of buying the license outright) is now being used primarily or...
Jun 18, 2020 | Technology Tips
The economic shutdown has led to millions of employees losing their jobs or receiving fewer working hours from their employers. Employees who can do their jobs from home, however, are working more hours than they were before the shutdown. Unfortunately, that includes...
Dec 9, 2019 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Disposable Technology Is Expensive It seems like nothing is built to last anymore. Incandescent bulbs, if you can get them, last around 1,500 hours. But an incandescent light bulb built in the late 1890’s has been turned on for nearly every minute of the last 119...
May 29, 2019 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Clearly, moving applications and data to the cloud is popular right now. You don’t have to look any further than cloud providers’ financial results: Microsoft reported that quarterly revenue from its Azure cloud was up 73% year over year. Amazon’s annual run rate is...
Jun 21, 2018 | Technology Tips, IT Cybersecurity
While all of the facts haven’t yet come to light, Tesla looks like it might be in a bad situation due to an employee’s actions. This employee (who was disgruntled, concerned, or both) claims to have provided outside sources with proof that the company has installed...
Jun 15, 2018 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
New technology can help businesses bring their data together, be more responsive to customers, and be more efficient. For example, cloud-based software can make it easier for businesses to access and share data across different departments, and customer relationship...
May 18, 2018 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Some problems are obviously technology problems. When your email server is down, it’s pretty clear what needs to get fixed and who needs to fix it. It’s not a “user problem” when the printer is jamming on every third page. Sometimes, however, it’s not as clear that...
May 4, 2018 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
From time to time, a client will have a need for additional network ports or want to expand their wireless coverage, and ask if they can get a router or wireless access point like the one they have at home to do exactly that. Unfortunately, that’s almost always a bad...
Apr 25, 2018 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
If you’re in charge of managing finances for a small business, you know that technology can have a major impact on the bottom line. If you spend money on technology that doesn’t provide a return, it can eat into your profit margins for years. If you spend too little...
Apr 11, 2018 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
A recent study by Japanese technology manufacturer Fujitsu found that 25% of retailers who had invested in technology found that the investment made it harder to connect with their customers. In the retail world, where technology behemoth Amazon is king, it’s a...
Mar 12, 2018 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Investing in technology is about more than keeping your network up and running. When properly used, technology can help you achieve your primary business objectives – recruiting customers, recruiting employees, and designing a better product or service. In the...
Mar 5, 2018 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Most executives receive plenty of warning about the importance of network security. Emails from vendors, insurance agents and managed service providers all describe the damage that a data breach can cause. Often, the prescription is technology and policies: more...
Feb 19, 2018 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Office relocation is undeniably a stressful endeavor, with the challenge of managing numerous tasks simultaneously. Despite meticulous planning, the need for last-minute coordination often feels unavoidable. However, there are crucial aspects you can address in...
Jan 25, 2018 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
When cloud applications first started getting big, some technology experts were predicting that companies would move their entire technology stack to the cloud. Even five years ago, Salesforce.com had revolutionized the way that many large businesses managed their...
Dec 16, 2017 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Like all technology companies, we’ve got plenty of people at WingSwept who love new tech. We talk about all of the latest hardware months before it’s even been released, and try to imagine all of the things that will be possible once it’s in heavy use. Some of us...
Dec 10, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
If you’re a business of almost any size, you’ve probably gotten a hundred emails on Office 365. Office 365 has many advantages compared to traditional Microsoft Office licenses, and there are many companies out there that offer to migrate your document services and...
Nov 22, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Does your office WiFi drive you nuts? Is the signal strength terrible, or does it periodically ‘blink’ out entirely? Can it be made better, and if so, how much will it cost? Unreliable workplace WiFi is one of the most common business technology complaints. ...
Nov 12, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
The odds are pretty good that you’ve heard of Bitcoin. The odds are also high that you heard about it because of two facts. The first is that it is that ransomware encrypts, or locks, your files and requires that you pay in Bitcoin to unlock them. The second (and...
Nov 5, 2017 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
There was a time, decades ago, when most computerized business data was on a single computer (likely a mainframe), and the only way to access it was a terminal inside of the building. Those days are long gone. It started when desktops became common – business data...
Oct 26, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Good news: you probably don’t need a three-year refresh cycle on company desktops and laptops anymore. There are plenty of reasons that hardware refresh cycles are expanding. More and more software is operating through the cloud – the server does all of the...
Oct 19, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
We recently wrote about server replacements, one area of technology where CEOs should be involved in the decision making process. Another area where CEO’s should get involved: decisions that change the core, day-to-day software that your employees are using. That’s...
Oct 11, 2017 | Technology Tips
The European Union (EU) has for decades been more stringent on data security and privacy than the United States. A new regulation is going into effect in May of 2018 that bolsters these protections even further, increasing the amount of security required to safeguard...
Oct 6, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
How confident are you that your company will have similar technology needs two years from now as it does today? Most small and mid-size businesses have little certainty around what circumstances they will face in two years’ time. Despite this, there are all sorts of...
Sep 25, 2017 | Technology Tips
With more than 700 million iPhones in use, it’s easy to think that when a new version of iOS (the phone’s operating system) is released all of the major problems will have already been ironed out. Despite the best efforts of software designers, however, it’s...
Sep 14, 2017 | Technology Tips
Keyboard shortcuts can save a few seconds here and there, but if you add that time up, the most productive ones can save you hours of your life. Unfortunately, most keyboard shortcuts lists are full of complex shortcuts – it’s impossible to remember these...
Sep 8, 2017 | Technology Tips
Computer passwords are a double-edged sword. If you make it too complicated, you’ll forget it. On the other hand, if you make it too simple, it’s relatively easy for anyone in the world to crack, and data theft is extremely common. In fact, it’s so common that most...
Aug 29, 2017 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Server replacements only come around every five years or so for most companies, which is a good thing given the high costs of replacing them. And while the servers themselves are expensive, they represent only a fraction of the costs incurred. Replacing a server...
Jun 23, 2017 | Technology Tips
Social media has become so prevalent that it’s rare to have an employee that doesn’t have an account on any service. It’s also widespread across all age groups; in fact, a recent study found that Generation X spends 10% more time on social media each week than...
Jun 17, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
With rumors swirling today that Amazon may buy Slack for as much as $9 billion, many people may be hearing about team collaboration software for the first time. To be fair, the vast majority of businesses still rely on other software to handle internal office...
May 19, 2017 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Everyone has had this experience: you’re just starting up an important task or presentation, and an update reboot request pops up on your computer. The best case scenario is that you have to ask it to go away for a short period, and it asks you periodically until you...
Apr 28, 2017 | Technology Tips
Organizations have to periodically make major changes in processes. While these changes are sometimes inspired by poor results, they are often inspired by changes in customer behavior or an increased competitive threat. Whatever the reason, big changes aren’t to be...
Apr 20, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
If you’re still using a traditional Private Branch Exchange (PBX) phone system for your small or mid-sized company, it might be time to consider a hosted VOIP solution. While some technical planning will need to go into the transition, a cloud-hosted VOIP, or...
Apr 5, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
For most office professionals, fast internet access is essential to getting work done. If your device isn’t always connected to a wall – whether that device is a laptop, tablet or phone – that means that speedy wireless is essential. For devices managed by your...
Mar 22, 2017 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
Have you noticed recently that things are taking far longer than usual to load at work? Are file downloads taking forever? Before you call your internet service provider and sign up for that bandwidth upgrade they’ve been offering, you might want to take a look...
Jan 23, 2017 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
When you meet with your technology partner, what are their goals? If you have a healthy partner, their goal should be to gain an understanding of what your business is planning to accomplish in the coming months, and what it hopes to accomplish in the coming years. If...
Dec 2, 2016 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
With Black Friday sales all around us, it’s hard not to see those $400 computers without wondering whether it’s worth stocking up on them for your office. Unfortunately, that won’t work – and it’s not just the purchase limit of one machine that should hold you back...
Nov 18, 2016 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
WingSwept spends substantial time making sure that each client’s technology is supporting their goals – for many clients, these goals include increasing efficiency, maximizing returns, and supporting future growth. But one goal that all of our clients share is...
Oct 17, 2016 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
If you have an office with dozens of workstations, one question you’ve probably encountered is whether to maintain each workstation independently or to use a Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure, or VDI. Generally, VDI uses thin clients, or cheaper network devices, to...
Oct 6, 2016 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Executives are well-versed in the threat of hackers, but the bigger danger lies in legitimate login misuse. What might not be as apparent is the more significant risk posed by individuals wielding legitimate login credentials to access sensitive data improperly. The...
Sep 15, 2016 | Technology Tips, Managed IT Service
You might already know that Microsoft has different versions of its software designed for consumers and business – For instance, both Windows and Office have Home and Professional versions, among others. But there are also different ways to license this software –...
Aug 26, 2016 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
IT Checklist For Opening a Satellite Office In a recent post, we discussed some of the things to consider if you’re relocating offices. This can present some unique challenges, including the temporary need to have a functioning network in two locations at once. But...
Aug 4, 2016 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
Recently, consulting firm McKinsey wrote about what questions a company board should ask about their company’s technology and IT capabilities. Beyond the obvious question about the impact of technology on the company, the first question was “What value is the business...
May 22, 2013 | Technology Tips
With the recent events in the Midwest, business owners are reminded to reevaluate the security and risk in its current I.T. network. With hurricane season approaching in the South, WingSwept would like to remind businesses different solutions available to maximize...
Nov 20, 2012 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
In today’s interconnected world, social networking has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to connect with friends, share our experiences, and stay updated on current events. However, as we navigate the digital landscape, it’s crucial to...
Oct 22, 2012 | Technology Tips
A Summary of Recent ChannelPro Article “The Coming Convergence of File Sync and BDR.” Dropbox is a very popular program and in some ways, it does the same job as some backup systems out there. But, do industry experts think file syncing programs are viable...
May 25, 2012 | Technology Tips
Cloud computing is all the rage in today’s technologically driven world; unfortunately most people are still unsure what the “cloud” really is. Typically the “cloud” is used to reference the Internet and when someone is providing cloud based services they are...
Mar 1, 2012 | Technology Tips
Solid state drives (SDD) have become more and more prevalent in the computer world recently and have been receiving very positive reviews. But, what exactly is better about an SSD drive over my hard drive (HDD) and why is it more expensive for less space? The most...
Dec 27, 2010 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
With technology becoming more readily available to everyone, password safety has never been more important. This article by PCWorld illustrates just how crucial proper password protection can be. Gawker Media is a widely known publication group that runs several blog...
Aug 25, 2010 | Technology Tips
Do not access PDF files from untrusted sources! Adobe has recently outlined a number of security vulnerabilities affecting Adobe Reader and Acrobat. It is important for you to remember not to open unfamiliar or unexpected PDF files, particularly those hosted on...
Mar 25, 2010 | Technology Tips
Although there is no definitive answer to the life span of desktop PC, WingSwept wants to provide you with some definite ways to increase your PCs performance and help extends its life. Emptying Temporary Internet Files periodically will help your PC’s overall...
Mar 24, 2010 | IT Cybersecurity, Technology Tips
Attention, WingSwept would like to encourage readers to follow these online safety tips, which will hopefully reduce the risk of falling victim of cybercrime especially among children and families. Online Computer Safety Tips for Young Children by Norton: Hot tip:...
Mar 15, 2010 | Technology Tips
WingSwept is a local IT consulting company helping small to medium sized businesses leverage technology, minimize downtime, and secure business. WingSwept has been delivering peace of mind since 1995, and focuses on businesses in Garner, surrounding areas in North...
Feb 25, 2010 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
It seems pretty ironic, but electricity, the very thing that powers your computer, can actually hurt it more than help it. WingSwept wanted to let you know that electricity can cause your computer network to go haywire in a couple different ways: First there are...
Dec 14, 2009 | Technology Tips
For those of you using Microsoft Office’s Outlook, WingSwept would like to introduce a feature that will help you coordinate with other business professionals by emailing your calendar. It is a simple process from customizing how the recipient will view your calendar...
Dec 2, 2009 | Technology Tips
Let your computer serve you longer by taking care of it. Make sure it does not have unnecessary software on it, which take up space and may slow your PC down. If you are sure you don’t need a certain program anymore, you can go to your “Start” menu,...
Oct 12, 2009 | Managed IT Service, Technology Tips
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Hard Disk Failure Let’s talk about the behind-the-scenes drama of data storage – yeah, those unpredictable hard disk failures that can turn your digital life upside down. But hold onto your tech hats, because...