
Technology expertise, advice and tips

Category Archives: Managed IT Service

  1. Is the Technology Skills Gap Affecting Your Company?

    One of the biggest technology challenges facing companies isn’t technological at all – it’s the lack of people with the skills necessary to build and execute a strong technology strategy.  According to CIO magazine, US businesses posted 604,000 IT job openings in the third quarter of 2017 alone.  This problem isn’t likely to get any…

  2. Net Neutrality: What Does It Mean For Your Business?

    The FCC’s recent rule change overturning Net Neutrality regulations has gotten a lot of press recently.  Net Neutrality regulations mandated that your internet service provider (ISP) not prioritize one specific type of content over another.  Of course, you might choose to prioritize specific types of content on your own – for instance, your business likely…

  3. Is Your IT Team Focused on Technology or Productivity?

    Like all technology companies, we’ve got plenty of people at WingSwept who love new tech.  We talk about all of the latest hardware months before it’s even been released, and try to imagine all of the things that will be possible once it’s in heavy use.  Some of us are quick to buy it for…

  4. Office 365 Migration: Not a Point-and-Click Process

    If you’re a business of almost any size, you’ve probably gotten a hundred emails on Office 365.  Office 365 has many advantages compared to traditional Microsoft Office licenses, and there are many companies out there that offer to migrate your document services and email system to the cloud and have you using Office 365 in…

  5. What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) Anyway?

    If you’ve looked for someone to keep your business technology network in good shape and to serve the technology needs of your company, you’ve probably run across the phrase Managed Service Provider or MSP.  It’s one of those phrases that’s used a lot by people inside of the tech industry, but not so much by…

  6. Why is Office WiFi So Terrible?

    Does your office WiFi drive you nuts?  Is the signal strength terrible, or does it periodically ‘blink’ out entirely?  Can it be made better, and if so, how much will it cost? Unreliable workplace WiFi is one of the most common business technology complaints.  Unfortunately, there’s no one single cause – but there are some…

  7. Beware of High Turnover at Your Managed Service Provider

    Think about the service provider your company most appreciates; it might be a law, technology, accounting or marketing firm, or someone else entirely. Regardless of who it is, there’s a pretty good chance that it’s someone you’ve used for a while.  In fact, there’s a good chance that you’ve been dealing with the same people…

  8. What is Bitcoin?

    The odds are pretty good that you’ve heard of Bitcoin.  The odds are also high that you heard about it because of two facts.  The first is that it is that ransomware encrypts, or locks, your files and requires that you pay in Bitcoin to unlock them.  The second (and related) fact is that the…

  9. It’s 10 O’Clock – Do You Know Where Your Business Data Is?

    There was a time, decades ago, when most computerized business data was on a single computer (likely a mainframe), and the only way to access it was a terminal inside of the building.  Those days are long gone. It started when desktops became common – business data was stored on many computers at that point. …

  10. Hardware Refresh Cycles: They’re Expanding

    Good news: you probably don’t need a three-year refresh cycle on company desktops and laptops anymore. There are plenty of reasons that hardware refresh cycles are expanding. More and more software is operating through the cloud – the server does all of the calculations, and sends the results to the user’s desktop or laptop. Most…